The dental industry has been aware of the benefits of Custom Mouthguards for teeth protection during sports activities for some time. For the most complete protection, a Guard should be custom fitted to ensure it stays in contact with your teeth during impact.  Mouthguard recommendations from the ADA say it is also important that it is fabricated from FDA approved materials designed to maintain its protective properties under the pressures of grinding and clenching when wearing the guard.

In addition to teeth protection the Custom Mouthguard might provide better protection from a mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI)/concussion injury than do Over The Counter (OTC) Mouthguards, according to a study cited in the Journal of the American Dental Association”. This JADA article cites a study comparing pressure-laminated, custom mouthguards with a thickness of 3.5 mm compared to the average OTC Guard with a thickness of 1.65 mm.

They randomly chose 223 random athletes from 3 football teams. Each of a total of 23 athletes was
identified as having had an MTBI/concussion injury during the football season, and one of these players had a second injury. Eight of those wearing Custom Mouthguards experienced MTBI/concussion injuries for an incidence of 3.6%. Fourteen of these athletes wore OTC Mouthguards and two did not wear mouthguards at the time of the injury and suffered MTBI/concussion at an incidence of 8.3%. “Although more research on this topic is needed, our
study (results) show the value of a custom-made mouthguard,”said Dr. Jackson Winters, a study co-author and dentist in Findlay, Ohio.

ADA.org info on a comparison of Construction and types of Mouthguards

****DIO is an orthodontic laboratory and has the ability to design your Guard around your braces. This will allow your teeth to move as your dr intends while maintaining a snug fit to keep your Guard in contact with your teeth during impact.

Custom-made-Custom mouthguards are fabricated in a dental office or laboratory from individual patient impressions using thermoforming techniques, which typically employ vacuum-forming or pressure-forming methods.7, 16 Materials used to fabricate custom mouthguards include ethylene vinyl acetate, polyolefin and polystyrene-polyolefin copolymer.7, 17 Such mouthguards can be customized to the requirements or personal preferences of the user. One recent study recommended fabricating custom mouthguards with balanced occlusion and maximum number of contacts with mandibular anterior teeth to reduce risk of mouthguard
displacement from an impact force during athletic activity.18

Custom mouthguards can be fully customized and provide athletes with an optimal fit with adaptability and efficacy, but they are the most expensive option and require dental visits for fitting and customization.2, 14, 19 While custom mouthguards are considered by many to be the most protective option, other mouthguards can be effective if properly fabricated and consistently worn. Additional information on preparing custom mouthguards may be found in “Fabricating a custom-fitted mouthguard” in this 2006 JADA article.

Mouth-formed (boil-and-bite)-These self-adapting mouthguards are designed to soften when placed in hot water for a short period of time (approximately 15 seconds), and are then cooled and placed into the mouth for customized fitting.2, 14, 19 The product is adapted to the user’s mouth by bite pressure and manipulation using the tongue, fingers and lips.2, 14 A dental professional may provide assistance with the final molding, particularly if the user has orthodontic appliances,2, 14 but boil-and-bite mouthguards are widely available at sporting goods stores, and are generally designed to be fitted by the user at home.

Boil-and-bite mouthguards typically employ thermoplastic copolymers, such as EVA, which can be easily adapted with heating to facilitate molding and formation of a stable dental impression.20 The process of “boil and bite” mouthguard adaptation should be performed according to manufacturer instructions to ensure proper heating and molding of the thermoplastic material, and to avoid imprecise or superficial shaping of the mouthguard to the wearer’s bite, which can result in a poorly fitted device.21

Stock (ready-made)-Stock (or ready-made) mouthguards are the most commonly available and least expensive type of mouthguard. Stock mouthguards are available at various department and sporting goods stores, but they are manufactured in a limited range of sizes, prefabricated without adaptation to the user’s mouth, and require the mouth to be shut to keep the device in place. The stock mouthguard is considered the least effective mouthguard type due to its generic design, improper fit and inadequate retention (with frequent repositioning) during sporting activities.2, 14, 19, 20

In conclusion, providing the best protection for your teeth is what we are about and studies find that wearing a Custom-made Mouthguard provides better protection for teeth during impact and may also provide better protection from MTBI/concussion. Order your Custom Mouthguard from us today and you will be on your way to more complete protection! Custom Mouthguards and Bite Guards Northern Kentucky