Best Way to Clean Your Mouthguard or Retainer

The importance of proper dental hygiene cannot be stressed enough, and that’s especially true if you’re wearing a mouthguard or a retainer. Usually, a mouthguard, or a nightguard, is worn at night to protect your teeth from grinding or clenching. Similarly, a retainer is often worn to keep your teeth in place. So, both are worn to keep your bottom teeth separate from your top teeth, and if they’re not cleaned properly, bacteria can build up, multiply, and even cause an infection. To help you avoid all that, we’ll let you in on the best way to clean your mouthguard or retainer.

Daily Cleaning Routine

Having a proper daily cleaning routine is the best way to keep bacteria away and extend the life of your retainer or a mouthguard. Moreover, regular cleaning can help you avoid yellow stains or white spots on your teeth. Both are almost impossible to remove after they’ve already formed, but you can avoid them altogether with proper dental hygiene.

When it comes to the best way to clean your mouthguard or retainer, there are certain steps you need to take every day:

#1 Rinse It

As soon as you wake up, it would be best if you rinsed your mouthguard or retainer. Don’t just take it out of your mouth, put it inside its case, and leave the rinsing for later! Instead, rinse it first thing. Also, be careful to do it in cool or lukewarm water. This is because hot water can sometimes warp the material and change the shape of your custom mouthguard or retainer.

A girl holding a toothbrush that helps clean your mouthguard or retainer

It’s essential to be thorough and consistent with your cleaning routine.


#2 Brush It

Next, you should use a soft-bristle toothbrush to gently brush your retainer or mouthguard. This is important because it removes a layer of plaque, stains, and bacteria that water only couldn’t get rid of. It’s an essential step in the daily cleaning of your retainer, mouthguard, and any other kind of braces like the invisible ones. Invisible braces have become quite popular in recent years. And if this is your choice too, you should know they’re more prone to staining than other retainers and braces. Thus, your invisible braces will require more care and attention.


You can use toothpaste in all of these cases, but only if it’s the nonabrasive kind that won’t damage your mouth guard or retainer. You must brush all edges and angles of your mouthguard or retainer, not just the part that comes into contact with your teeth. However, it would help if you did it gently, not to scratch or damage any surface.


When picking a toothbrush, you have two options: you can clean your teeth with your usual toothbrush or a toothbrush designed specifically for your night guard, whichever you prefer.


#3 Let It Air Dry

Allowing your mouth guard or retainer to dry fully before storing it is another one of the most critical measures in preventing bacteria buildup. This is because germs are more prone to grow in damp environments. So, after absorbing the majority of the water with a cloth, place your mouth guard or retainer on a clean surface to air dry entirely before putting it in its case.


Plastic retainer in a plastic case.

: It’s imperative to have a dry space for storage after you clean your mouthguard or retainer.


#4 Store It Properly

When your night guard or retainer is dry, store it in your retainer case to keep it clean and safe. Cleaning your night guard thoroughly to hold it in a filthy case defeats the point. So, make sure that the case is always clean and dry because, as you probably know, moisture is bacteria’s best friend.


If you want to ensure your retainer is clean to the highest standards, don’t forget to also clean your case every few days. For example, you can use dish soap and hand wash your case every few days and then give it a really good rinse. Putting your case in a dishwasher is a terrible idea because the hot water might melt the plastic. 


Weekly Cleaning Routine

Once a week, give your mouth guard or retainer a deeper cleaning. You can do this by using denture cleaners. However, keep in mind that the directions for denture cleaners differ by brand, so make sure you always read the instructions. Moreover, set a timer, and don’t soak your retainer or mouth guard for too long. 


The other option for deep cleaning is to use mouthwash or hydrogen peroxide. You can dilute a capful of non-alcoholic mouthwash with enough water to cover your retainer or night guard in a glass. Allow at least 10 minutes and up to 30 minutes for it to soak. It’s essential to use the non-alcoholic kind of mouthwash because it might harm and shorten the life span of your retainer otherwise.


If you don’t have any mouthwash, hydrogen peroxide will also suffice. Mix a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water in equal parts, and let your mouth guard or retainer soak.


A girl wearing a plastic retainer.

It’s essential to examine your retainer every once in a while for signs of wear.


When Should You Replace Your Mouthguard/Retainer?

When it comes to the longevity of your mouthguard or retainer, the material of your mouthguard, how often you wear it, and how well you care for it all have a role in it. However, on average, mouthguards typically last five years. If you use yours more frequently, you’ll probably need a new custom mouthguard once a year.


To ensure you need a new one, check for signs like cracks, tears, poor fit, deformed shape, discoloration, foul odor, etc. If you notice any of these, let your dentist know and replace your night guard as soon as possible to avoid harm to your teeth or jaw. Even if you don’t tell your dentist, they’ll notice it at your regular checkups and let you know if it’s the time for a new mouthguard or retainer. 

In Conclusion

Your mouthguard or retainer, like your teeth, needs regular cleaning and maintenance to stay in good shape. The best way to clean your mouthguard or retainer is to do multiple cleaning steps each day and remain persistent. Including these procedures in your daily regimen will go a long way toward keeping it fresh and clean and ensuring that it lasts as long as possible.


Custom mouthguards and nightguards for Northern Kentucky and the entire Tri-state.

Designs in Ortho offers a custom bite guard solution from a professional licensed dental lab with over 40 years of experience.