Custom Bite Guards

Our custom made Bite Guards can help you with the grinding and clenching that can lead to headaches and “Locked Jaws”. Read the descriptions to find the one that works best for you.


  • 1.5 mm hard/flexible
  • For light grinding and clenching. Thin for daytime use.
  • Comfortable but less durable.

Soft Guard

  • 3mm soft/flexible
  •  A good choice if you have sensitive teeth or extensive dental work.
  • Not recommended unless you already know you cannot wear a harder one as it could result in unconscious chewing on your Guard.
  • Very flexible and opaque but less durable.

Tough Guard

  • 2 mm hard/flex
  • Recommended for mild to moderate grinders and extreme clenchers.
  • Harder than our Soft Guard but still maintains some flexibility for comfort when clenching.

Hardwearing Guard

  • 3 mm hard acrylic
  • This Guard is for heavy grinding and mild to moderate clenching.
  • Made of a hard material inside and out.
  • Our most durable Bite Guard.

Dual Comfort Guard

  • 3 mm soft/hard
  • A dual layered material that is soft on the inside for comfort and hard on the outside for strength and durability.
  • Ideal Guard for mild to moderate grinders and the right choice if you do not like an all hard guard.

EMAIL US AT: [email protected] or text/call us at 859.363.1419 and ask us about reduced prices for a second device if you order from this impression !


(859) 363 - 1419


13145 Green Road
Walton, KY 41094