Smile Fillers – Getting Temporary Tooth Replacements

Whether you were in a car accident or you took a spill playing hockey, there are times when you might need to get a tooth or two replaced – but not permanently. That’s where smile fillers come in! They are temporary tooth replacements that can be used until you’re able to get permanent dental implants. Here’s everything you need to know about smile fillers.

What is a Smile Filler?

A smile filler is a type of temporary dental prosthesis that is replace one or more missing teeth. Unlike permanent dental implants, which are surgically implanted into the jawbone, smile fillers are meant to be removable and can be taken out at any time. Smile fillers are made of acrylic or plastic and are held in place by metal clasps that attach to the remaining teeth.

How Long Do they Last?

The average lifespan of a smile filler is about 5 years, though some may last up to 10 years with proper care. It’s important to note that smile fillers are not a permanent solution. Smile Fillers should only be temporary until you’re able to get dental implants.

How Much Do they Cost?

The cost of a smile filler will vary depending on the number of teeth that need to be replaced and the type of material used. However, on average, a single tooth replacement can cost anywhere from $150 to $300.

Need of a quick, easy, and relatively inexpensive solution for replacing one or more missing teeth? Look no further than smile fillers! These temporary tooth replacements are perfect for those who need a short-term solution. They can even last up to 10 years with proper care. So what are you waiting for? Call today and we will help you on the road to recovery!

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