Mouthguards are the most effective way of protecting your face and mouth from injuries during contact sports and other recreational activities. In fact, having quality protection is essential as these kinds of injuries can leave an irreversible mark on your face, mouth, and teeth. These types of mouthguards are called athletic mouthguards, and they can be custom-made or store-bought. On the other hand, you also have bite guards that protect you from grinding and clenching during sleep. So, depending on the issues you are experiencing, you may be wondering when and why you need a custom mouthguard. We are here to explain what they are and who they are meant for. 

What is a mouthguard?

A mouthguard covers your upper teeth. Its purpose is to protect the soft tissue surrounding your teeth. Your lips, tongue, and cheek lining will not feel the blows or collide, given that your front teeth with mouth protection take in the impact instead. The bottom teeth typically do not need protection because they are positioned further behind in the mouth cavity. 

Why do I need a mouthguard?

Inadequate mouth protection can lead to headaches, tooth decay, fracture, or even tooth loss. Therefore, it makes sense to explore your options carefully. As we mentioned, the primary purpose of mouthguards is to provide mouth and teeth protection. More specifically, a mouthguard can minimize the risk of injury to your tongue, lips, gums, cheeks, teeth, and jaw

A soldier wearing a custom-fitted mouthguard

Custom mouthguards are useful even in combat.

Depending on its purpose, you may need an athletic mouthguard or a bite guard people wear during sleep. You can also choose between a custom-made or store-bought mouthguard. We will explain the difference between different types of mouthguards below.

Why do I need a custom mouthguard?

The principal differences between a custom mouthguard and a store-bought one are durability, protection, and comfort. These differences stem from the production process, the material they are made of, and the way your teeth and jaw shape are impressed into the plastic. 


Store-bought mouthguards are mass-produced to allow anyone to boil the plastic and impress their teeth into it. Of course, store-bought mouth guards provide some degree of protection. Yet, they cannot compare with custom-made mouth protectors as they are made from thinner plastic that does not last long, is prone to cracking or breaking, and is less comfortable over time as a result. 


On the other hand, custom athletic mouthguards are made from a special type of plastic called thermoplastic. This plastic is quite durable and pliable, leading to a more accurate and comfortable fit. The creation of the custom mouthguard does not involve any heat. Instead, the mouthguard user prepares the impression separately. Professional dental practitioners then mold this impression to fit the user perfectly.

Why do I need a custom athletic mouthguard?

Candidates for custom athletic mouthguards are people who may experience dental injuries while doing sports. Contact sports pose a risk of serious injuries such as a fractured jaw, split tongue, tooth loss, etc. That is why even amateur athletes invest in custom mouthguards when they start practicing sports such as:


  • Boxing
  • Martial arts
  • American football
  • Lacrosse
  • Rugby
  • Hockey
  • Field hockey


In some cases, mouthguards are recommended even for sports that are not typically considered contact sports like basketball and soccer. Even some ice skaters and gymnasts opt for custom mouthguards to reduce the trauma the mouth area has to endure. 


Of course, for traditional contact sports such as boxing, a mouthguard is an equally important piece of equipment as boxing gloves. And just as you need quality gloves for better protection during fights, having a good sports mouthguard can make a difference between a manageable blow to the face and a severe fracture that requires surgical intervention. 

Two boxers laughing while wearing mouthguards

Boxing is a typical sport where an athletic mouthguard is indispensable.

As professional athletes spend a lot of time training, a custom-made athletic mouthguard is a better option for them as they can use it for hours without developing minor wounds in the mouth due to poor fitting. However, even amateur athletes can benefit from a protective custom mouthguard that will last for years.


In some cases, even children and people wearing braces benefit from wearing a custom mouthguard when doing sports. A blow to the face during gym class or fitness class can damage the delicate orthodontic braces or other dental appliances. The mouthguard protects the inside tissue of the lip and cheek so that the braces’ metal structure cannot harm it.

A dentist fixing braces

Contrary to popular belief, you can wear a mouthguard when you have braces.

Why do I need a custom bite guard?

Bite guards are recommended to people who grind, gnash, or clench their teeth while sleeping. Custom fitted bite guards are well-suited for this because some people find it difficult to fall asleep when the bite guard does not fit perfectly. Furthermore, a dental professional can adjust the thickness of the plastic depending on the pressure you exert on the teeth when you clench or grind. As a result, the fit will be comfortable and minimize unwanted movement during the night. In turn, you won’t feel any pain or discomfort when you wake up. 


In comparison, as you make your own over-the-counter bite guard, you might have to use scissors or a scalpel to adjust the bite guard yourself. This often results in a less than perfect shape. That is why you might need a custom mouthguard, as they provide a snug fit you can get used to in a few days. Not to mention that custom bite guards are tasteless, odorless, and tear-resistant. 

Custom mouthguards and nightguards for Northern Kentucky and the entire Tri-state.

Designs in Ortho offers a custom bite guard solution from a professional licensed dental lab with over 40 years of experience.